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安恒公司 / 业界动态 / NetTool网络万用表VoIP型(NT-VoIP)引起业界关注
2005-06-30    安恒公司 市场部       阅读:


NT-voip福禄克网络公司新推出的 NetTool 网络万用表 VoIP 型引起了全世界业界出版物的关注。The UK website 英国的 Personal Computer World 网站评论它是“VoIP 时代到来的又*个信号”。美国的 Cabling Installation and Maintenance 杂志报道它是“VoIP 故障诊断技术的新突破”。

福禄克网络公司的 NetTool 网络万用表 VoIP 型将电缆、网络、IP 电话和 PC 配置测试集成在*台设备中。它可以帮助*线技术人员轻松实现在线测试,这样很多问题就无需再使用复杂的工具或请请高*工程师来参与解决。此外,NetTool VoIP 型的新特点还可以帮助用户监测用户端的 VoIP 服务,技术人员只需将其连接至电话和网络之间即可查看 VoIP 呼叫。

访问 Personal Computer World 和 CI&M 的网站,阅读更详细的产品评论。

Fluke Networks unveils NetTool VoIP
Fluke Networks has announced its newest inline network test tool. NetTool VoIP is designed to offer a breakthrough in VoIP (Voice over IP) troubleshooting technology with an "edge testing" approach.
The tool combines cable, network, IP phone and PC configuration testing into a single device. NetTool VoIP is designed to put the power of inline testing in the hands of the front-line technicians, meaning fewer problems are escalated to higher-level engineers with more complex tools. In addition, the new features of NetTool VoIP are designed to give users the ability to monitor VoIP service at the edge, enabling technicians to see into VoIP calls by connecting between the phone and the network.
"NetTool VoIP cuts down the time it takes to troubleshoot IP Phone deployment and close trouble tickets," says Dan Klimke, Fluke Networks marketing manager for Portable Network Analysis. "Technicians now can quickly determine if the problem is the cabling, switch port, phone or configuration."
As an edge tool, NetTool complements other high-speed link analysis products from Fluke Networks including OptiView Protocol Expert and Link Analyzer. With NetTool VoIP, technicians can now see the quality of calls in progress by measuring the RTP stream and displaying the number of frames, frames dropped and out of sequence frames, and jitter. Call setup, configuration and tear down signaling is all visible to the user.
NetTool VoIP covers the entire spectrum of tasks required to deploy IP phones to the desktop. It is designed so network managers can realize faster, less expensive and more reliable IP phone deployments. The handheld tool decodes and displays critical boot events, call control and call quality information.
The Boot Log displays key boot events such as DHCP address acquisition, DNS lookup of call servers and gateways, downloading of operating files and call server registration. NetTool VoIP supports complete troubleshooting of the IP phone boot process including physical layer tests of structured wiring, patch cables, switch port configuration, VLANs and PoE voltage.
The VoIP Log displays call control events, QoS configuration and call quality metrics. The log records call setup, configuration, and tear down of a call in progress. As the call proceeds, the RTP configuration is displayed including IP addresses and ports used, VLAN priority or Diff Serv and codec. Once the call is competed, the log displays the RTP quality metrics such as jitter and dropped packets.
The VoIP Monitor feature tracks call quality in progress by measuring the RTP stream and displaying the number of frames, dropped frames, out-of-sequence frames and jitter. The monitor also displays RTCP endpoint information such as jitter and dropped packets. Statistics are available for both the phone side and the network side while a call is in progress.
Fluke Networks is based in Everett, WA. For more information visit www.flukenetworks.com.
责任编辑: admin

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